All the latest news and reports from Telford Harriers Running & Triathlon Club, Shropshire England

Saturday 23 March 2013

2013 Ironbridge Half Marathon... is to be rearranged

Our ‘spring’ outing in the beautiful Ironbridge Gorge is to be rearranged – We are trying for the 14th April 2013. – This is subject to confirmation from Telford Town Park.

This is the result of further snow overnight and the icy conditions forecast. (lots of the course now has over a foot of snow)

As a running club event, we value ‘group’ participation and lots of our runners would be traveling from further afield from all parts of the UK, more so this year as a result of our race being featured in Runners World. Hence our decision to rearrange has been made now.

We also have to consider our volunteers and their friends and family that make such a contribution to the success of our event.

I’m sure you appreciate our focus is organising a new date for you, therefore any e-mail enquires will take a little longer to be replied to at this time.

Lisa & Gary

1 comment:

  1. Can I get refunded,as I won't be in the country during april?
